Dear Website Owner is a small selection of helpful tips and links for website owners.

This website will be updated from time to time. View the changelog for more.


Ad blockers

Dear website owner, don’t give your images or CSS classes/ids a name that contains the word “ad” or “ads”. Otherwise visitors that use an ad blocker might not see the respective content.

Age control

Dear website owner, if your visitors have to confirm their age, make sure they aren’t disadvantaged because of their high age.


Dear website owner, make a button fully clickable and not only the text inside of it. It will save your visitors additional clicking time.

Capital letters

Dear website owner, don’t write all your content in capital letters. It will make the content more difficult to read.


Dear website owner, if you use a CMS or web service, change its basic favicon to a favicon that better fits your website.

Fixed navigation

Dear website owner, don’t make the height of your fixed navigation too big on smaller devices. Your visitors want to see your content.

Font sizes on mobile

Dear website owner, try to adjust the font sizes to smaller screen resolutions. Otherwise your visitors might need longer to scroll.

Form validation

Dear website owner, always mark all required fields in a form. Otherwise your visitors might get frustrated and stop to fill out the form.

Image Optimization

Dear website owner, don’t forget to optimize your graphics for high definition screens or use SVGs.

Infinite scrolling

Dear website owner, add a “load more” button somewhere if you use infinite scrolling. Otherwise your visitors might never reach the footer.


Dear website owner, always mark a link as a link. Otherwise your visitors might not be able to tell a link apart from text.

Loading animation

Dear website owner, make the loading animation as short as possible. Otherwise your visitors might leave your website before they see it.

Navigation Links

Dear website owner, make your navigation links as short and meaningful as possible.


Dear website owner, always have your content proofread. Too many spelling and grammatical errors make your website look unprofessional.

QR code

Dear website owner, always put the URL next to a QR code. Your visitors might not have a QR code scanner.

Text content

Dear website owner, don’t offer your text content as graphics. Visitors that use screen readers will thank you.

Twitter/X username

Dear website owner, remember that a Twitter/X username can be only 15 characters long.

Website title

Dear website owner, don’t forget to give your website a meaningful title. Otherwise your domain will be used as website title.







Hello, my name is Thorsten and I’m happy that you stumbled upon this little website. I’ve been a professional web designer & developer for over a decade. On Dear Website Owner you’ll find a small selection of helpful tips and links I collected over the last 20 years since I built my first website.

Dear Website Owner is cleaner than 100% of websites tested and doesn’t use any cookies. If you have any feedback or want to contribute to this website, send me an email.